Thursday, 19 November 2009

Hello Alone

Is there anybody out there...?

Not knowing whether any of my followers (all three of them) still read this blog, I have decided to experiment a little. If you still get notified of my latest blog posts and actually act on said notification and see what I have written, I want ideas for my Summer of Blog. I have 3.5 months of nothing to do, and figure that a little bit of creative relief will go a long way to delaying the inevitable descent of insanity upon my addled brain. So heed this call to action my young army and tell me you're still there for me. I'd love to hear from you...


Saturday, 14 November 2009


The sounds of the morning aren’t whispery thin;

They intrude through my walls while the light is still dim.

They’re calling and singing and ending the night,

Although they care little for my sleepless plight.

Insomnia cripples this poor tortured mind;

It wonders in vain of when it may find

Sweet respite; the nectar found in slumber;

When everything fades as notice goes under.

Oh early bird, must you get the worm?

While I lay in my bed, laying restless and squirm

Until maybe, just maybe, a stupor kicks in;

It’s a quarter past five, as the light starts to creep in.