Friday 1 May 2009

Get Your Game Face On!

My dearest, most faithful Journal,

As of late, I have found myself becoming increasingly fascinated by the game of Poker. Some might call me a little late on joining a trend which swept the world a couple of years ago: far from it. In fact, I was there too, avidly interested in the game. There was just one problem; I sucked...

Fast forward to 2009 and while I still don't claim to be much good, I at least have the basics down pat. I have currently won two Myspace "Sit and Go" Tournaments (this doesn't say much as it's pretty much against talentless hacks - in fact, it's probably an indictment on my playing abilities that I only have two wins haha) and I have just returned from losing nearly all my chips. I put this down to bad luck as I had two very good hands set to bring me back from the deep pits of defeat, only for my opponents to have slightly better (and highly unlikely) hands. This nearly broke my heart, but if anything, I probably shouldn't be doing this at 1 in the morning anyway. Sleep deprivation does not win Poker games people!

So yes, tomorrow is a new day and I will set out to regain those many, many chips that I have lost. I'm not unconfident of my chances, but if I recieve the luck I got today, it will be an uphill battle. Maybe I should give up the dream and actually focus on that Law degree I'm supposed to be doing...


  1. you know my brother is a croupier at our local casino. dealing cards for poker and what not. he also plays poker online and wins american dollars which he then gambles away again... that's my story..

  2. Haha, if I'm ever in Perth do you reckon he could deal me a few ripper hands?

  3. poker is a wild game. ive been going to poker nights for 4 years on and off, and i have not yet bothered to learn the rules

  4. haha lol at declan

    and to mill, my brother cannot predict the hand he deals you i'm sorry :(

  5. but can he rig it in my favour...? ;)
