Tuesday, 14 April 2009

I Know Something You Don't Know...

Two can play at your game Decca...

For I too will write about that abomination of a film that Hollywood would like you to recognise as 'Knowing'. I prefer to acknowledge it as a steaming pile of horseshit, but hey, each to their own. What I will say though is that the true prophet is the one they call Gemma, as she foresaw that Decca and myself would hate the ending (especially Decca, but I think I ended up hating it more).

I am pleased to note however that afterwards I went on a shopping spree, and pretty much stimulated the economy by myself (thanks for nothing Kevin!). Despite the fact I will never see that $900 everyone else seems to be getting, I am still doing my bit for you all. So bow down to me my minions!

I will keep this one short as I really only wanted to post to highlight Decca's plagiarism of the outstanding first chapter of my story about Jacky the Wikipedia addict, and get my revenge. Note to Decca - changing one word does not remove the fact that that's my intellectual property you are posting!

Love and Kisses (see what I did there Decca?)



  1. damn, i am tasting my own medicine, and it is BITTER. i shall stop my own plagarism now i know how it feels.

  2. i think i'm missing something...

  3. decca posted my entire story on his blog and changed one word (apparently)
