Saturday, 11 April 2009

I've Got A Bad Feeling About This...


This is my first ever blog on this site, or as some might (rather crudely) otherwise put it; I am breaking my Blogspot virginity. I do not know why I have not previously succumbed to the luring force that is Blogspot - I have just about everything else, except perhaps a Twitter. This isn't because I feel it is simply another unnecessary and futile exercise aimed at keeping me away from my Uni work (or maybe it is), but rather, I look at it and can't help but wonder what the hell is going on. But enough of this trivial drivel, on to the meat of the blog!

It is currently late afternoon of Easter Saturday, and as I type this, I reminisce over yesterday's memories - yesterday being Good Friday and all. I shall start with a rather mundane recount of yesterday's happenings, and will endeavour to keep it short, as you probably aren't all that interested in an Easter lunch with the extended family in which nothing really happened, save for my 4 and 6 year old female cousins playing Tiger Woods Golf better than I could on my Uncle's Wii (how immasculating...). So yes, we arrived there late (typically), raided the back fridge for cans of Coke (habitually), and didn't do much else. My Uncle made a mean Spaghetti Marinara, which teased my tastebuds into testing the capabilities of my stomache (I resisted). So yes, after that I went to work, and then got home in time to catch the second half of the Dragons-Eels match on TV (go the Dragons!).

What else can I spout crap about here? Hmm... There's not much else to say. If I get another brilliant idea, I may come back and post again; but if my Myspace blog is any indication, I probably won't use this all too often.

Goodbye for now Interwebz


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