Wednesday 15 April 2009

My Heart Is (Not) Yours...

Clouded judgement stirred my mind,
Disturbed at what I'd always find.
Can't face the truth, and could not tell,
My extinguished fear would be my Hell.

My heart became a cold, dank pit;
The ones I loved, suddenly full of shit.
The whispers in my head grew loud;
Of what I've become, I am not proud.

Tired, aching: inside and out
Wanting just to run and shout.
The night has never felt this cold
And I never dreamed I'd be this old.

My life unravels; it's a nightmare -
What I've done is beyond repair.
The wind picks up, takes me away
So you''ll never know what I had to say.

Dream and live on
And forget this stupid, little song...

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